11:10 First contractions start, shortly after Leann takes a shower in preparation for sleep.
11:26 Unusually close to the first contraction, we start really monitoring the time at this point.
12:30 Contractions are getting very close together, 10 minutes or less. We call Kaiser, they say to wait until contractions are very strong, and 5-7 minutes apart
1:10 Tried to nap, not very successfully. Leann is now having very painful contractions, 8 minutes or so apart. She makes the call to go to the hospital.
1:25 Leave the house, after packing the bag. Leann calls the hospital and informs them we are on our way, and also that she is GBS positive (Group B Strep).
1:55 Arrive at Santa Clara Kaiser hospital. We head upstairs, we took the time earlier to take a short tour of the labor and delivery area.
2:10 She is admitted, and we get into our room. She is now in near-constant pain, and really, really wants to make sure she gets an epidural.
2:20 OB/GYN examines her, she is only 3 centimeters dilated, but she approves the epidural because of the previous, very fast delivery.
2:50 Anesthesiologist arrives, and gets to work. I am directed to sit down, on the opposite side of all the action. Apparently they are afraid I will faint at the sight of blood (as if!).
3:10 All done, Leann is already starting to feel less pain.
3:25 I call mom, let her know what's going on.
3:45 They attach the pump to the epidural, and start the constant feed that will supplement the first dose. Apparently it's good for up to 3 days.
4:00 I manage to fall asleep. Leann seems to be doing okay.
6:00 I wake up to the sound of alarms, and a voice over a loudspeaker saying "All staff to room (something), code blue!" I thought, "Man, I'd hate to be whoever that is." All of a sudden people start pouring into the room, and I realize that it's us.
Leann is having trouble with the baby, she's experiencing a lot of pain. I won't go into the details, but at the end, we got a healthy 5 pound, 15 ounce baby. Name will be William. We're not sure about the middle name yet.
(Update) It will be "Cloud", which is the english translation of Leann's chinese name.
William Cloud Mito.
Here is Leann the day before.
The two of us in the hospital, after the epidural is in.
William 2 minutes aftger birth, they hadn't really cleaned him up yet.
Mommy and baby.
Mommy and Baby again.
This is the team that brought William into the world.
Sheryl, Jessica, and us.
Nan and William.
That's all for now, I will have videos shortly!!
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