Called Leann, turns out the contractions are most likely Braxton-Hicks contractions. Definition:
"Labor contractions are noticeably longer as well as more regular, frequent, and painful than Braxton Hicks. Also, labor pains will increase in frequency, duration, and intensity as time goes on, while Braxton Hicks remain unpredictable and nonrhythmic. "
Sounds about right...although Leann can probably clarify for me.
They said her cervix isn't dilated yet, and it doesn't look like it's "true" labor.
She's also on an IV, we joked a little about how cold it feels (it's like pumping ice water through your veins, and it really chills you).
They want to keep her at KP-Hayward for a few more hours for observation and just to make sure. I'll go pick her up when she's ready.
I wanted to go sit with her and wait, but her mom's there, and it probably wouldn't do any good.